The joys of spring
Sheep are lambing, birds are nesting, everywhere nature is getting going. We take a walk round Challacombe Farm in the company of the farmer and at a pace that allows us to take it all in. Challacombe is a hill farm that breeds sheep and beef cattle to high welfare standards and encourages biodiversity in its meadows, pasture and ponds.
What you’ll experience
As well as seeing how the farm operates today, we see evidence of older farming methods in medieval strip lynchets and of livestock rearing stretching back to the Bronze Age. We finish by getting up close and personal with new-born lambs: be sure to bring your camera! You are welcome to stay on after 2.30; the pond is a great place to sit, for example, and there’s lots to explore including the ruins of a medieval village.
10am — 2:30pm
Start point
Challacombe Farm PL20 6TD. Grid reference SX694795. Turn off road onto farm track, over stream and park in field on left just after stream.
2 miles
Knowledge level
Walk difficulty
Easy; a bit wet and muddy in places
Come prepared for all weathers, with a packed lunch. Walking boots or wellies are the best footwear.
Suitable for all ages.
Welcome on a short lead.
Maximum group number
Available for small group bookings.
Produce for sale: lamb, beef and fleeces are available. Order from in advance and collect at the end of your visit.
“Well organised, informative and engaging.”
— Event participant