Introduction to Mosses, Ferns and Lichens
We slow down to take a closer look at ‘lower plants’; the mosses, ferns and lichens we might otherwise stride past (and yes, lichens aren’t technically plants). These primitive organisms were vital to the evolution of life on earth and continue to play essential ecological roles. You will appreciate their variety and beauty so much more, especially as you see their detail with the aid of a hand lens.
What you’ll learn
• Roles of ‘lower plants’ in evolution, ecological succession, food chains etc
• How to set about identifying species
• Guides and other resources
• Above all, how amazing these life forms are!
1.30pm to 4pm
Start point
The Woodland Centre, Yarner Wood TQ13 9LJ. Turn into the reserve and along the driveway past some houses then look out for the sign towards the Woodland Centre. What3Words: ///relishes.fabricate.thrones
2 miles.
Walk difficulty
The paths are uneven, muddy and slippery in places.
Come prepared for all weathers, with waterproofs, warm layers and well-treaded footwear. Hand lenses will be available to use.
Suitable for teenagers with an interest in nature. Must be accompanied by an adult.
Not advised
Maximum group number
Price: £10 or £7 if purchased in addition to a morning walk. Under 18’s £5.
“I must say a big thank you to you. It's as if I had forgotten what had started my interest in biology all those years ago, which was poking about in different locations just to see what was there, and that it has risen to the surface again.”